BUFFY Animal Welfare Group, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and licensed animal rescue organization in Emporia, KS. We rescue abandoned, neglected and abused animals. We focus on providing medical care to these animals, including Spaying and Neutering. After we meet their medical needs we then place them in loving foster homes until we find their forever home.
We see Alot of neglect with animals here in Emporia. There are many things we would like to see improved; such as less animals running around loose, less dogs living on chains 24/7 during extreme heat and cold weather, less animals without proper shelter, less animals starving and having no water to drink, less animals living and laying in thier own waste, less animals not getting the medical care they need and less animlas not getting proper hygiene care (grooming).
Volunteer to Foster
Presently in Emporia dogs are living on a chain or in a constricting pen 24/7. They are constantly suffering from extreme weather and filth; they are flea, worm and fly infested. They are also suffering from starvation and thirst. We Desperately need to have MORE FOSTER HOMES. The greatest help that we receive is when a volunteer opens up their home to an animal in need. Witnessing an animal transform from constant fear and hunger to a relaxed and satisfied animal is Very rewarding and will bring one great joy!
There is no financial cost involved to foster an animal, as the BUFFY Animal Welfare Group covers the expense of food, supplies and medical treatment. Foster animals are spayed/neutered, current on vaccinations and have received all necessary medical care. We have a dog trainer that will help you with any behavioral issues and will assist in training the animal if necessary.
We want to make fostering a Positive experience for both human and animal, by resolving any reasonable objections that would prohibit you from opening your home to an animal that needs to be loved.
>Without Foster homes Many animals will continue to suffer.
Can I Foster?
Objections and Resolutions
Q. I work all day and the dog would not get much attention.
A. The dog would receive more attention with you than remaining in the hands of an abuser.
Q. I work and I don't want the dog to be confined for hours at a time.
A. Being in a temperature controlled home would be better than being chained outside 24/7.
Q. I can't afford it.
A. The BUFFY Animal Welfare Group will cover all necessary expenses.
Q. I'm afraid that my animals may not get along with a foster dog.
A. It is not necessary that they have contact if you have any concerns. You can keep them seperated by using a crate, seperate room or a baby gate. Also, we have a professional dog trainer on staff that can assist with any issues.
Q. I would not want to foster just any breed or size of dog.
A. You are not obligated if the dog is not a good fit for you.
Q. I won't be able to go on my vacation if I have foster dog.
A. We have a Professional Pet Sitter on staff.
Q. I will fall in love with the dog?
A. It's easy to get attached but when we find their perfect forever home it is all worth it. If everyone adopted their own foster dog that stops a person from saving more dogs.
Q. My yard is not fenced.
A. A fenced in yard is great but Not necessary. A person can put them on a tie out or use a leash to walk them around the yard for their potty breaks.
Monetary donations may be sent to:
BUFFY Animal Welfare Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 1233
Emporia, Ks. 66801
Pet supplies can be dropped off at our local pet store; Petsense: located at 1618 Industrial Rd, Emporia, KS 66801.
Priority donations include but are not limited to: Flea treatment, dewormer, dog food, and pet carriers (kennels). *All sizes and weight categories are welcomed.
Optional donations include but are not limited to: leashes, collars, harnesses, pet beds, and toys.
Use the following form to contact Buffy Animal Welfare Group or see additional contact options below the form.
BUFFY Animal Welfare Group, Inc.
PO Box #1233
Emporia, KS 66801